Tuesday 18 October 2016

Week #5 Reflection

Hello again Teacher Candidates,

Where has time gone? I cannot believe that this is already our second last tech class. This week I have been working extremely hard to complete the final touches of My Genius Hour project and to make my blog portfolio appealing to my audiences! I am beyond excited and eager to share with all of you my thoughts and findings of why we forget things. I truly have a strong passion for understanding the way people think and the way in which individual’s brains work. In saying this, I have found lots of information surrounding my Genius Hour topic on the thought of why people actually forget things.
During this online class I was able to explore two education tools that can be used with our own classrooms! I chose to explore Class Dojo and Padlet. Class Dojo, is a classroom management system that helps with student behaviours in classrooms. Class Dojo can be used on a phone or on a tablet in class to encourage positive behaviours like participation or teamwork.  Some teachers show class Dojo to the class to see how they are doing, you can even use it to set up an awards system too. Teachers can call on students randomly or encourage the whole class. You can even use it outside of the classroom; most teachers give about ten positive points each day.  The most important thing to do is a invite parent right away to your class dojo tool, teachers can simply do this by printing and sending home invitations or by inviting parents by email. Teachers can instantly respond to parent’s questions, this tool makes classrooms that much more connected!
In addition, Padlet is a virtual wall that allows students to express their thoughts and feelings on a common topic. Students and teachers can put any content on this sheet a paper at anytime they would like! After reading the online article, one way that I can use Padlet in my classroom is for book reviews. Padlet will offer students a great space to share their thoughts. Students will be able to highlight favourite quotes from the book, ask questions and even discuss character from the story! I hope you have enjoyed watching my movie trailer and that it has made you ponder some new ideas! I am eager to share my final Ted Talk with you next week.

Until then...

Made with Padlet

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