Professional Order of the TPACK Teacher

In my opinion, The Dependability Badge was one of the most important behaviours while completing this course. The completions of our in-class activities required participation in learning activities were only earned during the first 15 min of class. This Badge was awarded to students by attending class and arriving on time each week.

In addition, The Professionalism Badge was another important part of this course. Students received credit for this Badge when they completed in class- activities that requires participation in feedback and evaluation of our peers’ projects. This Badge could only be received and earned during the duration of class time.

Course Reflection

Well that’s a wrap! Bittersweet it is, we’re just getting to know each other and our technology stills and knowledge have improved and developed to the point that I finally feel comfortable. I truly wish we had more time to explore the unique tools and features technology has to offer. I think this course was important for us teacher candidates to take, as technology is a fast evolving phenomenon. Technology is constantly changing and is becoming highly prevalent in classrooms. It is important as a future educator to have a good grasp on the recent educational tools and technology so that our classrooms run smoothly.

Overall, Great class I thoroughly enjoyed it J

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