Monday 19 September 2016


Hello Again Fellow Digital Learners,

I want to share with you what I learned in todays session regarding the concept of copyright. According to the Candice (2013) article, basic copyright law means that all rights are reserved. It is important to teach students that copying, distributing, performing, displaying or the adapting of digital media found online is not allowed. If we take any information from the internet we must cite to give proper credit to the original publisher.

As a future educator, I want to allow my students to create, revise and generate media. I think it is a fantastic way to encourage deeper learning and media literacy. But we as teachers need to focus on the one issue that complicates digital freedom of expression, which is the notion surrounding copyright law. It is critical that teenagers and kids have a basic understanding of what’s legal and ethical while playing with other people’s intellectual opinions. In my future classroom, I want to promote digital learning. With copyright being a serious topic I want to educate my students and support and guide their learning when understanding all the necessary aspects of copyright.

(2011, April 8th). The Vision Therapy Centre. All rights reserved (online image) retrieved from:

 J.Higham (2015, Sept 15th). Nourishing Obscurity. All rights reserved (online image) retrieved from:

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