Monday 19 September 2016

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi Everyone!

I am beyond excited to be a teacher candidate in the 21st century. It is quite evident and exciting to think that technology will soon shape our education.

As a teacher candidate I think it is extremely important for student to be able to share their passions and have time to use their imaginations. Today we learned that teachers give students a time during the day where they can explore their own passions. Personally, I think this is a great educational tool because it is a place and time where students want to participate and express their ideas. As a 21st century teacher I want my classroom to be a place where students want to come and learn. Genius hour is great addition to students' daily routine that promotes engagement, creativity and imagination. Genius hour is a great way to allow students to drive their own personalized instruction.

GENIUS HOUR- where passion comes alive!

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