Tuesday 27 September 2016

Week #3 Reflection

Hi Digital Learners,

Are you starting to feel more comfortable navigating the web? I certainly am :) I finally feel relaxed and content adding slides and playing around with Powtoon. This week we watched a TedTalk video by Sugata Mitra that educated us about the child-driven education and brought us around the world to see different kids self-supervised access to the web and showed results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching. We also watched a insightful and inspiring video on assessment by Mr.D.
Today in class we were given the opportunity to do some research regarding out genius hour question. Much of my research is very psychology based since it has to do with how our minds work! With today research, I was able to find out that Elizabeth Loftus, has identified four major reasons why people forget. They are: retrieval failure, interferences, failure to store and motivated forgetting. I still have a lot of research to do within the next coming weeks so stay tuned!

 Thanks for reading

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